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Customer Story

How Cornerstone influenced $4K in pipeline per $1 spent

Using Sendoso for corporate gifting, Cornerstone OnDemand launched scaled sales campaigns influencing $7 million in pipeline.

With Senior Marketing Strategist

Sara Schonfeld


Cornerstone OnDemand previously used a direct mail tool that lacked integrations to streamline automation and analytics.


Sales representatives sent gifts to secure meetings with accounts that hadn’t responded in the past. The campaign saw a 30% lead-to-opportunity conversion rate.


lead-to-opportunity conversion rate


in influenced pipeline for every dollar spent


in influenced pipeline

Sendoso helps Cornerstone accelerate deals and set meetings with the prospects we normally have a difficult time getting in touch with. The unique sends help us break through the noise and come in with a message that resonates.

Cornerstone OnDemand provides cloud-based people development solutions to help organizations recruit, train, and manage. So naturally, they chose similar technology to scale. 

As Cornerstone grew, they upgraded to the leading Sending Platform to expand direct mail campaigns and improve automation with the help of Sendoso integrations.

Looking for critical integrations

Sara Schonfeld, senior marketing strategist at Cornerstone, partners with sales reps to target key accounts to generate pipeline. Direct mail was gaining traction. It was one of their most effective tactics and an important part of their account-based marketing strategy.

Schonfeld previously used another platform for marketing campaigns. 

However, it limited what her team could send. The legacy tool lacked Salesforce and Outreach integrations. Schonfeld wanted a platform that could simplify the sending process. She needed a tool that could pair with Salesforce and Outreach to automate and measure their gifting.

Cornerstone’s marketing team needed to scale their sending based on tiered accounts, execute highly personalized one-to-one sends, and automate one-to-many sends.

Cornerstone Backpack

Creating an Outreach gifting sequence

After implementing Sendoso, the Cornerstone marketing team partnered with sales. They sent gifts to secure meetings with strategic accounts that hadn’t responded to outreach in the past. 

Schonfeld started the campaign by giving her sales team a three-week time frame to identify accounts and contacts for the program. 

She then worked closely with her sales ops team to develop a sequence inside Outreach. Their sequence began with an email notifying prospects that they would be receiving something the day before it arrived. Sales reps could then send out gifts with a click of a button directly from their Outreach.

Sendoso automatically posted the tracking status of the gift directly into the Outreach activity feed. 

After the items were delivered, Outreach automatically added the prospect to the Cornerstone follow-up sequence. Sales reps were then able to connect with prospects the same day to secure a meeting.

Influencing new pipeline with streamlined process

Upgrading to Sendoso and creating the automation paid off for Cornerstone.

Sendoso influenced $4,000 in pipeline for Cornerstone for every $1 spent on the gifts. 

“I think the most important part of our strategy is the real partnership between sales and marketing,” said Schonfeld. “It’s not about a truffle, no matter how delicious.”

In total, the campaign saw a 30% lead-to-opportunity conversion rate, influencing $7 million in pipeline.

Start sending, connecting, and driving revenue